Wednesday, November 27, 2019

War Trash

War Trash Introduction War Trash is a fictional novel written by Ha Jin and published in 2004. The novel is about the predicaments of North Koreans and Chinese POWs during the Korean War. The author uses Yu Yuan to narrate the experience of POWs in the camps. War Trash is basically set in a prisoner of war camp located in South Korea.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on War Trash specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The camp hosts both North Korean and Chinese soldiers captured by the American and South Korean army. The author dwells mainly on dissimilar thoughts held by the Chinese and North Korean POWs in relation to their native countries. Ha Jin uses Yu Yuan (the narrator) to reveal the narrator’s unique perception about his life and duties. He is also used in the novel to depict his principles of fairness, friendship, love as well as respect (Whipple 1). Results There are several themes that emerge from this novel . The struggle between political ideologies (communism versus democracy) is one such theme. For example, the pro-communist camp used propaganda to force POWs to be repatriated back to North Korea and China. On the other hand, the pro-Nationalist camp employs similar strategy to compel POWs to be taken to Taiwan, an island claimed to be democratic and free. For example, the North Korean POWs are enticed by the pro-Nationalist camp to accept repatriation to Taiwan where they will enjoy free life than one offered in their native North Korea country. The relevance of this theme is also highlighted by YU Yuan. We learn that he is a victim of ridicule back at home because of his close ties with the Nationalist camp. In addition, Yuan is unable to get any gainful employment (Amend 5). This novel uses Yu Yuan’s personal view to describe the major issues of the Korean War. The major theme of War Trash is that the North Koreans and Chinese supported each other to thwart effort by South Koreans to capture Manchuria. North Koreans, either Communist or Nationalist was merely fodder for the war and would lose everything irrespective of their choices. The novel also uses Yu Yuan to describe how it is very difficult to find a path for a â€Å"good† person to live in especially if the society is corrupted. Yuan (the main character) felt responsible for his fiancà ©e and mother and decided go back to China although he was not a communist. However, according to the society, it is better to die than be captured by the enemy. He would thus be treated as a traitor to the Communist cause if he went home. Nonetheless, Yu Yuan sacrifices himself and opted to go home to take care of his mother (Amend 5).Advertising Looking for research paper on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Deception is another theme that emerges from this novel. Both side of the political divide lied to POWs. For example, the North Korean prisoners were promised by the Nationalists side a better and free life if they chose to be repatriated to Taiwan. But we learn from Yuan that this is a lie. Just like Yuan, the North Korean prisoner would receive cold reception in Taiwan due to their close ties with Communism. On the same note, if they opted to go back to their native country (North Korea), they would also be seen as traitors because they accepted to be captured by the enemy rather than die. In nutshell, both sides deceived the prisoners and everybody was used as a pawn. Thus, all characters in the novel are â€Å"war trash† (Reed Business Information1). We also learn from the novel that it is very had to find a path for a â€Å"good† person to live in a society that is corrupted. For example, the citizens living in both North Korea and mainland China are â€Å"corrupted† by Communism ideologies. Although Yuan and other POWs served their country with dedication during the war, they are accused of treason and treated as outcasts when they arrive home. The society cannot appreciate the fact that Yuan (being a good person) has decided to return home to take care of his mother. Traditionally, the Chinese and North Koreans value close family ties and young people are expected to take care of their aging family members. This is the main reason why Yuan decides to return home. However, instead of receiving praise from his members of the society for fulfilling his obligation, he is seen as a traitor (Whipple 4). Critical Review of War Trash War Trash is basically a by-product of creative imagination as well as extensive research (Yee 1). In spite of the fact that there exist some resemblance between Ha Jin (the author) and Yu Yuan (his narrator), the entire story is purely fictional. If the author feels the â€Å"full weight of the tattoo,† he does so only in his mind and soul because the tattoo is on the belly of Yu Yuan (the narrator) and not h is (Jin 5). In spite of the fact that War Trash evokes memories of a key historical occasion that affects both Yu Yuan as well as the readers, it is imperative to note that the major themes presented in this novel are not entirely about Korea, United States or China. On the contrary, the novel dwells on issues such as war and humanity which have universal appeal (Wong 5). The first chapter of the novel introduces Yu Yuan (the narrator) who happens to be a student at the Huangpu Military Academy. It is at this time (1949) when the Communist Party assumes control of China. Yu Yuan and other students at the academy willingly acknowledge the new government given their disgust of the defunct corruption-riddled Nationalist regime.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on War Trash specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More After his graduation from the military academy, Yu Yuan is posted to the head offices of the 180th Division, a unit mainly responsible for regional reconstruction. However, in 1951, the division is assigned new duties and instructed to initiates military plans to invade South Korea. After extensive training for weeks, the division finally enters Korea. While they are in Korea, the division comes under heavy attacks by America warplanes. In face of dwindling supplies of water and food and pounded by air and artillery attacks from all angles, the division disintegrates as some members of the North Korean and Chinese forces surrender. Later on, Yu Yuan joins Commissar Pei and spent his time reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin in to enhance his English skills and teach some English words to his withered counterparts. One day, the group is attacked and Yuan gets injured in the grenade explosion (Shy 3). Yu Yuan wakes up in a POW hospital and discovers that his left femur was badly injured in the grenade explosion. After undergoing several surgeries at the hospital, Yu Yuan receives news that his in jured leg will recover. Yu Yuan is taken through several physiotherapy sessions by Major Greene (a female medical doctor) to help him recover. During these sessions, Yu Yuan takes her through calligraphic lessons which she ignored to study while in a Shanghai school. He later comes into contact with Commissar Pei in a nearby compound. Pei instructs him to develop close ties with Dr. Greene in order to solicit information about the ongoing peace talks at Panmunjom. However, Yu Yuan is informed by the doctor that he is among the POWs to be transferred to Koje Island where most of the North Korean as well as Chinese prisoners of war are being held in captivity by the American forces (Shy 3). Ha Jin gives a vivid account of what transpires at the POWs camps. The struggles that emerge between American guards and their POW; between North Korean prisoners and their Chinese counterparts; and among Chinese prisoners who desire to go home and those who do not are described in somewhat spare p rose.Advertising Looking for research paper on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nonetheless, the author is able to capitalize on the chronological events of the Korean War as a background to depict a rather multifaceted condition of love, frailty, aspiration, as well as human tragedy presented from the narrator’s (Yu Yuan) personal viewpoint (Wong 6). Following his capture, Yu Yuan is taken to Pusan city where he is registered as a prisoner of war. Yu Yuan assumes a fake identity so as to conceal his military rank from his captors. Later on, his captors transfer him to Guh-Jae-Do Island where most of the captured prisoners are held. Yu Yuan is not happy to be in the pro-Nationalist camp. This is not because of his political ideology but rather he craves to be repatriated to China, his native country, in order to be with his mother as well as his fiancà ©e. If he chooses to go to Taiwan, his credibility in China would be irreparably damaged thereby making such a return unfeasible. Although his relationship with Huangpu grants him some level of comfort, h e is immediately captured by the pro-Nationalist group and tattooed with an English phrase Fuck Communism when he states his desire to be repatriated to Mainland China, his native country (Yee 3). The value of Yu Yuan to his captors increases after his capture. It is worthy to mention that the narrator was a cadet at Huangpu Military Academy even before the Communists assumed power in 1949. In addition, Yu Yuan is extremely valued by the Chinese for is exceptional skills in the English language. He was consequently drafted as an interpreter and played key roles during the negotiations with the Americans. Yu Yuan’s propensity to keep his own counsel as well as his military and academic background alienates him from his fellow prisoners who are being enticed to either defect to what is claimed as Free China (Taiwan, an island protected by American) or go back to their native country. Most of the prisoners at the camp desire to be repatriated to their homeland for ideological or financial reasons (Wong 6). However, Yu Yan wishes to go back to his homeland for a different reason. He merely wants to be repatriated to his native country to be with his fiancà ©e Julan as well as take care of his aging mother. This isolation enables Yu Yuan to watch unfolding events around him with an objective mind unlike many other prisoners who are deeply blinded by ideological commitments. This alienation also bolsters Yu Yuan’s tendency to pay no attention to labels such friend or foe, soldier or officer, Chinese or American. It is against this background that he impulsively attempts to help the desolate and the desperate prisoners in the camps irrespective of their labels-be they animals (such as the dog Blackie) or the young Shanmin, a fellow prisoner of war (Wong 6). The author also gives a vivid description of the inhumane conditions experienced by North Koreans POW at the camp. Ha Jin describes how prisoners spent most of their time in the camp. Most of them a re bored and depressed. In addition, they spent most of their time gambling and fighting especially over food. Moreover, the anti-Communist leaders single out those prisoners who decline to sign up for the supposed Free China (Taiwan Island) for special abuse. These conditions are further aggravated by the overcrowding in the pro-Communist tents which restricts movement. Prisoners held in the pro-Communist compound are given half the food rations offered to prisoners held in the Anti-Communist camps. The head of the anti-Communist compound is known as Liu Tai, a former Nationalist army sergeant who gave in to the American army at the first opportunity. Liu has a personal guard who intimidates prisoners in the camp. In fact, he is commonly referred to as Little Caesar by the Americans. The prisoners are also denied freedom of expression. This is illustrated by Bai Dajian, a young inmate at the compound. When Dajian cynically condemns the criminal ineptitude of their Communist leaders in the war, Yu Yuan tells him to shut up because spies are everywhere (Shy 4). Following his enrollment in the Communist camp, Yu is suspected for his close association with both the pro-Nationalists as well as Huangpu. Nonetheless, he is able to win the trust of his superiors due to his knowledge of English language. The conditions at the Communist camp are much better and the POWs initiate plans for a possible confrontation. Nonetheless, they cannot match up with their counterparts in the North Korean camp who posses immense local knowledge due to their constant interactions with their Pyongyang capital. Ultimately, the North Korean camp enlists support from the Chinese camp in order to capture General Bell (the leader of all the POW camps). Yu Yuan is selected by Commissar Pei, the Chinese camp leader, to facilitate the meetings between these two camps. The Chinese pro-Communist camp amasses information and relay it to the North Korean camp. This information is used to entice Ge neral Bell to attend concession meetings then capture him (Wong 7). Later on, the POWs are transferred to better camps on the island of Cheju. Nonetheless, prisoners are unable to organize any meaningful resistance since the camps on Cheju Island are well managed and security is top-notch. To complicate the matter, Commissar Pei is detached from the rest of prisoners. As a result, prisoners feel cut off from their native country and are concerned that they will be subjected to unfair treatment when they go back to mainland China. Nevertheless, given the inventive communication methods developed at the new camp, Pei is able to convey instructions to hoist locally-produced Chinese flags to commemorate national day. In spite of the fact that this move invigorates prisoners, it turns out to be counter-productive as confrontations ensue and many prisoners die in the ensuing skirmishes (Yee 6). The author employs a colorful narration style to portray the American attacks on North Korean l ines, the terrible fatalities, the starvation conditions that compel men to survive on water and flour for prolonged periods and their sense of desertion by their regime. For example, when Yu Yuan is injured in a grenade explosion, he is taken hostage and assigned to a prisoners of war camp where both the North Korean and mainland officers control some sections of it. It is also worthy to note that the entire camp is controlled by the Americans. Han Jin enlivens the proceedings in the camp as officers attempt to maintain order while the prisoners try to conceal their true identity. This is attributed to the fact that Chinese prisoners fear the impending backlash when they return to mainland China. Yu Yuan, just like other North Korean prisoners in the camp, is powerlessly coalesced by the forces of destiny, always striving to remain alive, always striving to comply with orders from his captors (irrespective of the fact that his captors mistreat North Korean and Chinese troops). As t he war comes to an end, new problems emerge. Yu Yuan is undecided on whether to go back home or opt for Taiwan where will be censured for his close ties with the Communist side (Whipple 4). Results and discussions Character Analysis Yu Yuan symbolizes a powerless individual who is part of a system that does not respect the wellbeing of individuals. Although Yuan wishes to return to his mother and fiancà ©e, he is worried about the way the society will treat him. Just like other North Korean and Chinese POWs described in War Trash, Yuan is evidently dejected and readers sympathize with him in spite of the fact that his personal character arises from his intrinsic character. Although War Trash portrays a whole culture, it does not dwell on love story, an aspect that joins other war novels and creates a link with readers. Nonetheless, War Trash stands out as a captivating and satisfying novel for readers who crave to learn about the influence of culture on behavior (Whipple 6). The au thor employs the historical background of the Korean War to present a vivid description of the characters in the War Trash. The characters are depicted as discrete social types: the feeble ones who lose hope and die; the collaborators; and the leaders who are undeniably motivated by a goal bigger than themselves. The creativity of the author is manifested by his characters in the novel: Yuan, the various North Korean Nationalists, American soldiers and Commissar Pei are extremely individualized. Nevertheless, they all mirror something of the social type. In other words, these characters depict the discrete marks of their social histories. All these characters- the intellectual jerked by revolution and war, the illiterate peasant enlisted into the army, the criminals, the coward who gives in or dies under pressure, the political elites inspired by higher ideologies, are all incarcerate in the POW camps. The real individual attributes and social type of a given character are interlace d together generating neither a fantastic phantom nor a stereotype. These types of characters exist even today. Yu Yuan inquires from an American prison priest why prisoners at the camp receive unequal treatment yet they are all sinners. The chaplain respond by saying that this is the way things should be carried out since Communist is wicked. It is worthy to note that this theme is very relevant today because if Islam was to replace Communism in any American camp today, it is highly likely that the same scene will replay itself (English 5). The novel also talks about the difficulties North Korean (and China) citizens experience as a result of political unrest. Often, the entire lives of the characters depicted in War Trash are determined by political commotions over which they had no control. War Trash poses salient questions on whether a person can truly live a free and good life in the society. The novel is about Yu Yuan who is valued by his Communist army and his captors because for his knowledge of English language. Although his does not subscribe to Communist Ideology, he must choose either to be repatriated to mainland China or Taiwan. Both choices have consequences. Nonetheless, he opts for China in order to be able to take care of his mother. It is also worthy note that the North Korean POWs have no value to the Communist Party who vilified them after the war ended irrespective of the numerous acts of loyalty they showed. Their only crime was that they were captured by the enemy (Reed Business Information 2). War Trash proceeds to reveal that devotion to a goal bigger than an individual is precisely how the characters regain self-respect. Yu Yuan is a moderately non-political individual. However, the sadism and hypocrisy of the Nationalist side makes him an active resister under Stalinist regime. It is worthy to note that this was the prevailing spirit during the war. Both the North Korean and Chinese people were against national and foreign tormenter s. War Trash reveals the manner in which these social processes take place in a prisoners of war camp. The novel uses great compassion to describe the feelings of unfair treatment and injustice that Yu Yuan and other inmates experience. They are subjected to poor conditions, torture, beatings and even some of their fellow inmates are killed. Nonetheless, they are able to affirm themselves as complete humans (Amend 76). Amend, Allison. Multicultural Voices: Asian-American Writers. New York: InfoBase Publishing, 2010. Print. English, Sandy. â€Å"Novel About POWs Wins PEN/Faulkner Award.† 2005. Web. Jin Ha. War Trash: A novel. New York: Pantheon Books, 2004. Print. Reed Business Information. â€Å"Editorial Reviews.† 2009. Web. Shy, John. â€Å"Ha Jin’s War Trash: Novel as Historical Evidence.† 2005. Web. Whipple, Mary. â€Å"Seeing the World through Books.† 2011. Web. Wong, C. Timothy. â€Å"A Review of War Trash: A Novel.† 2006. Web. Yee, D anny. â€Å"Danny Yee’s Book Reviews.† 2008. Web.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Todays Woman Vs. Yesterdays Essays - Ibsen Family, Trifles

Todays Woman Vs. Yesterdays Essays - Ibsen Family, Trifles Today's Woman Vs. Yesterday's Women of today have come a long way since the periods portrayed in the dramas "Trifles," written by Susan Glaspell, and "Doll House," written by Henrik Ibsen. In both dramas, the characters played by women were portrayed as nothing more than property which should be seen and not heard. This is typical of society in the late 1800's and early 1900's, which is the time setting in which these dramas take place. In the drama "Trifles," the male characters known as Henry Peters (sheriff) and George Henderson (county attorney) strut around like roosters making lewd, sexist remarks while investigating the murder of farmer John Wright. The two farm women, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, while forced to listen to such barbaric comments, actually end up solving the murder. Throughout the drama, the male characters are made to walk around the farm house looking for clues. Unfortunately, they do this from a male's point of view and are completely oblivious to the unseen environment around them. During this time, the two ladies sit silently conversing between themselves about the tragedy, and actually find clues to the hows and whys of the suspect without really looking. The female characters in this drama are written to be very perceptive and understanding about what happens in everyday life in a country home, since they too are country homemakers. With this information, which the men do not share, they notice small insignificant looking items which appear to be out of place. Through deductive reasoning, the women were able to figure out that John Wright's wife had been abused for many years. Not physical abuse, but severe mental abuse. The abuse seemed to reach its zenith when her husband killed her canary by ringing the bird's neck. This signifies a symbol of the life and freedom she once had. In the drama "Doll House," the main character named Nora is a woman who has gone through life being treated as if she were a "china doll." She was not unlike a china doll to be placed high on a pedestal, never to be heard from except when spoken to, or when asked to entertain her husband Torvald, their children or a group of Torvald's friends. As the story progresses, Ibsen creates a climax in the theme when Torvald finds out that Nora forged her father's name on a document to obtain money for a trip to Italy. This trip to Italy was necessary in order to save his life. Society had a certain stigmatism about the women of the late 1800's. Women were not thought to have been as smart as men, and were therefore not expected to understand the complicated world of money and especially the repercussions of getting a loan from places other than a banking institution. At this point, Nora receives a miracle she has not been looking forward to. The miracle turned out to be a test in which she finds out that their storybook love is not as strong to Torvald as she had imagined and hoped for. This particular scene in the drama gave the impression of morning sun rays tapping on the petals on a morning glory. With this, the reader begins to witness the blossoming of a flower. Nora's eyes open for what appears to be the firs! t time in her life, and she makes the decision to leave her life and family in search for a new beginning. For a male author born and raised in the 1800's, Ibsen does a fine job of looking at a relationship of this kind from a woman's point of view. However, women of today would not put up with either one of these situations. The women of today are more assertive and demanding than they used to be. There are many women today who are just as good if not better than their male counterparts. Some of the most successful people in today's society are women. With the passage of the right for women to vote and the women's movement of the late sixties and early seventies, women have deservingly "Come a Long Way Baby."

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Annotated working Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Annotated working Bibliography - Essay Example The article (and page) is updated regularly and appears to be peer-reviewed. Dorothy Tuck McFarland is also a regular contributor to the Charters series of scholarly texts. In this article, she addresses nearly every aspect of O’Connor’s short story, including its connection to religious imagery. It is scholarly and peer-reviewed. Ioana Munteanu is a faculty member at the University of Targoviste and possesses an extensive knowledge and understanding of the work of Flannery O’Connor. This article examines numerous aspects of O’Connor’s religious perspective living in protestant Georgia and is well written and contains crucial information. Rosengarten, Richard A. â€Å"The Catholic Sophocles: Violence and Vision in Flannery O’Connor’s ‘Revelation’†. University of Chicago Divinity School, 2003. 14 June 2009. Richard A. Rosengarten is a faculty member of the University of Chicago. He has a vast knowledge of the work of Flannery O’Connor, as in this article he critically examines nearly all of her stories. It is scholarly and peer-reviewed, as is on the university homepage. Ralph C. Wood is a novelist who has written several books on the work of Flannery O’Connor. This book circles around O’Connor and her religious rivals and seeks to show the social and religious relevance of her work. It contains up-to-date information and critical insight. As the intertwining aspects of violence and religion continue to appear across America’s newspapers and our awareness of the world which currently surrounds us, O’Connor’s works tap the underlying issues plaguing many peoples since they were first

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Visa International Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Visa International - Case Study Example The Visa International is characterized by both coordination and competition; employee empowerment and decision making is fanned down to the lower level. The factors that lead to the selection of such a design was the competition that the industry was facing and thus there was a quick need to respond to the changes that were taking place. There was a need to be open and responsive to the changes occurring in the environment and let employees to be more enabling rather than being controlled. No, Chuck is not a leader since, leader is the person who influences his group and takes them along and in Chuck's situation he seems to be more of an independent player rather than working with the group collectively. Mallory is no wonder competitive and aggressive and target oriented but his attitude is harsh and bitter, and temperament is required to keep the person in his wits; so I don't think I will work for Mallory. Mallory was an achievement oriented person with less concern for relationships; his success lied in making quick and spontaneous decisions; the on spot decisions were the result of his independent thinking and least involvement of others, who would other wise have resulted in longer times in reaching a consensus which would then be too late. It is difficult to change a person's attitude and easy to teach his or her the skills; according to skills approach skills can be learned, but, the personality approach suggests that personality characteristics are innate; therefore, I will not hire Mallory instead will go for some one who is more adaptable to work and change according to the environment of the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Adolescents and Cyberspace Essay Example for Free

Adolescents and Cyberspace Essay Abstract The Internet has a great deal of benefit in our lives. It is the window that opens onto the world and shows us everything that is happening around us. Although it is meant to help and support our needs, enrich our social lives and expand our civic connections, it has not been going so far in this way. A lot of research is showing that the heavy use of cyberspace is isolating people form the world around them. Knowing that adolescents are spending a great deal of their time in cyberspace, this article will examine the things they miss when they are left to grow up in it. Leaving Adolescents Grow Up in Cyberspace The question on whether leaving adolescents grow up in cyberspace is beneficial or not has long been controversial. When a lot agree that cyberspace has made their life easier, many others believe the opposite. Everything has side effects, which might have great impact on its user if not handled properly. It seems that adolescents, out of all other people, all missing a lot when their parents are letting them grow up in cyberspace. Everything in this advanced world is possible these days, thats why we find students who study on the Internet in hybrid or online courses. Traditionally, learning has been assumed to take place in a classroom or face-to-face environment where the instructor and students are physically together, but not all students learn the same way and therefore the traditional approach is not ideal for all students (Young, 2007). This is true, but a lot of students are finding it difficult to cope with the new and modern way of learning, where the instructor lectures them online. Some students say: -Instructor feedback tend to be slow -I didnt feel as part of the class -You cant verbalize your thoughts and let others hear your ideas -Too many technical problems -Unreliable Internet connections from my Internet service provider -You also lose the personal teacher student relationship -No way to read body language -With on-line classes, it is hard to be able to get the whole personal thing -You dont get to see the professor or class members face-to-face -It takes more time to e-mail or post a question on the discussion board and wait for a response (Students Positive and Negative Experience in Hybrid and Online Classes, 2007, page). Moreover, Irvine(2004) states: Assignments are dispersed online. Students are much more likely to do research online than use a library. And even class handouts have gone the way of the Web, posted on electronic bulletin boards for downloading after class(p.31A). So, if the Internet connection went off, students wouldnt be able to continue their work. When the computer server in Emory University went down for a few hours one evening, a lot of people were at loose ends, they couldnt to their homework (Sridharan, 2004). This is how adolescents are missing the more active and efficient way of learning because of cyberspace, thus suffering from a lot of educational and studying problems they are better off without. Looking at the world today would make us realize how much we miss security. And since adolescents are widely using cyberspace, they are the most likely to get affected by what it generates. A lot of teenagers have no problem in making friends, of whom theyve never seen. In fact, they see that it is one of the purposes of using the Internet. But they never realize how dangerous it could be to meet someone you havent actually seen. The Internet allows people to communicate with people who are different from them, people in another country or kids at school they dont talk to. This access of information is so easy, but of course there is a dark side to having such broad access: it gives identity thieves and sexual predators a new place to look for victims (Stern, 2004). Also, the Internet has shaped the way adolescents work, live, and relax. It has even created new ways for them to express themselves which might be liberating and fun but can also become a forum for of pettiness and criminal exploitation (Irvine, 2004). Furthermore, Ian and Walder (2005) say: As we have become dependent on the Internet, as the network of networks, so we have become vulnerable to criminal and terrorist networks that use cyberspace as a means to undermine and circumvent state control. Protecting against those that wish to attack  the integrity, confidentiality and availability of systems and data they process, is primarily an issue of implementing appropriate security measures. (page) The main purpose for this worry is because adolescents are unaware of what criminals might do to take advantage of people who want to be friendly, allowing them to threaten the countrys and societys safety. In this way letting them spend too much time in cyberspace is making them loose a lot of security which puts them in dangerous problems later on. We must not forget the most important consequence of growing up in cyberspace: lack of social life and relationships. Sitting in front of the monitor for several continuous hours, without even noticing how time flies by quickly, makes us never want to get off the chair. As many adolescents are living in virtual communities, their only concern is making friends online. Ten years ago, social theorists were suggesting that the Internet would revolutionize social relationships (Carter Denise M., 2004). Now, the Internet has come a far distance that kids and teens cant live without it; people can find a job without leaving their desks, shop online without going to the mall and communicate with others without meeting face-to-face by e-mails, online chat rooms and instant messages. So, all the activities that were done with family and friends, are being done alone on the Internet. As a result, such activities have proved to be more isolating than watching television, which friends and family often do in groups, and the time spent with them is decreasing a lot in the presence of the Web. In addition, teens are preferring not to go out for walks or hang out with friends because they are busy in their own larger world. Know it or not, youngsters who are allowing time online to replace face-to-face interaction are being isolated from the real world and are being trapped in the virtual world (Staples, 2004). Seemingly, Teenagers who spend much of their lives hunched over computer screens miss the socializing, the real world experience that would allow them to leave adolescence behind and grow into adulthood. These vital experiences, like much else, are simply not available in a virtual form (Staples, 2004, p.A29). All of this is breaking the social relationships and is bringing up adults that dont know how to deal with others because they never had the chance to sit and talk face-to-face. A lot of people fear of not being able to go with the flow; who ever doesnt have access to cyberspace doesnt have a life. But this isnt proved to be completely true since its not being used in the best and efficient way. Of course its the parents job to lead them to the right track; they should always keep them under high supervision. To be more specific, parents should encourage them to have a real life, make real friends, go to real places and spend quality time with family. This doesnt mean getting rid of this great technology but not letting it control them. Indeed, adolescents are missing a lot of the real world and its content, and arent aware of the circumstances and the costs of growing up in cyberspace. References Carter Denise, M.(2004, December).Living in Virtual Communities: Making Friends Online.Journal of Urban Technology 11(3), 109-125.Retrieved March 19, 2008, from EBSCO Host database. El Mansour, B. Mupinga, D.M.(2007, March).Students Positive and Negative Experiences in Hybrid and Online Classes.College Student Journal 41(1), 242-248.Retrieved March 19, 2008, from EBSCO Host database. Ian Walder.(2005, April).Crime and Security in Cyberspace.Cambridge Review of International Affairs 11(3), 109-125.Retrieved March 19, 2008, from EBSCO Host database. Irvine, M.(2004, December 5).Youths Adopt, Drive Technology Advances.Fort Worth Star-Telegram, p.31A. Staples, B.(2004, May 29).What Adolescents Miss When We Let Them Grow Up in Cyberspace.New York Times, p.A24.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Should gay marriages be legalized? Essay -- essays research papers fc

Should same sex marriages be legal?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Same-sex marriages have been very controversial since becoming an issue in Canada regarding the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Several people state that same-sex marriages should be legal, while others disagree, saying it should not be permitted. There have been many debates and inquiries about this issue for several years; the MP’s and Parliament will finally settle the problem within the next year or so. Many are in favour of legalizing same-sex marriages in all of Canada due to the violations and infringes upon the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Problems revolving around same-sex marriages have upset many religious groups. These groups believe that same-sex marriages should not be performed in a church – or at all. Although churches and other places of worship do not approve of same-sex marriages, legalizing same-sex marriages does not breach the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Same-sex marriages should be legalized everywhere in Canada because individuals should be able to express themselves freely without having to feel discriminated against, as stated in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Denying the fundamental liberties and other rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is unconstitutional and contravenes what the Charter is expected to maintain. The fundamental rights are what the Charter is based on – the freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication (Section 2b) will be infringed if same-sex marriages are disallowed. Addressing the issue of the fundamental freedoms on same-sex marriages, Prime Minister Paul Martin quoted: The Charter is a living document, the heartbeat of our constitution. It is also a proclamation. It declares that as Canadians, we live under a progressive and inclusive set of fundamental beliefs about the value of the individual. It declares that we all are lessened when any one of us is denied a fundamental right†¦If we do no step forward, then we step back. If we do not protect a right, then we deny it. Canada is governed based on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Certain parties of the government believe that the government can not and should not pick and choose whose rights they will defend and whose right... ...of another, their right has also been infringed. Then again, religious morals are not valued as they ought to be in society as a whole, its customs, and its laws will change forever from this issue. Change is needed for Canada to adapt to the evolving world, adjusting to changes is beneficial. Legalizing same-sex marriages will lead Canada to being a stronger and a more liberated country. BIBLIOGRAPHY Sullivan, Andrew. Same-sex marriage, pro and con. A Reader. New York: Vintage Books, 2004 Catholic Group says Cardinal Wrong to say Charter of Rights shouldn’t apply to Gays and Lesbians [Online] Available: (19 Jan. 2005) Civil Marriage Act [Online] Available: (1 Feb. 2005) Gay Marriages Timeline [Online] Available: GLBT and the equal marriage movement [Online] Available: Same-sex Marriages [Online] Available: editorial.asp?key=1415&editorPrimeKeyword=samesexmarriages...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

American Centennial Exposition

The Centennial Exposition of 1876 was America’s first official world’s fair. This fair was held in Philadelphia for celebrating 100th anniversary of the â€Å"Declaration of Independence†. This fair was really important in the history of America as it portray an image of progressive American society, culture and economy on an international platform. This Centennial Exposition was not only celebrated America’s hundred years of independence, but it was also held to showcase the recovery of the country form its reconstruction phase after its independence and the emergence of the nation as an internationally significant industrial super power.This paper will make an attempt to analyze how the Centennial Exposition of 1876 represented the identity of America and how this exposition provided a narrative of American history. The main focus will be on the nature of the exposition which is known better known as a platform where America’s image transformation was made. Thus the thesis statement of this paper can be as follows: The Centennial Exposition of 1876 gave the country a new progressive image in socio-cultural and economic field of America.This thesis statement will be illustrated throughout this paper using several primary sources relating to the American Centennial Exposition of 1876. The focus will be on how the exposition portrayed America’s emergence as a big economic power in world, and how it depicted socio-cultural progress of the nation in terms freed slaves and increasing women contribution in the society. Apart from these, this paper will also discuss how the exposition highlighted the future of America. American Centennial Exposition:The American Centennial Exposition was actually an official exhibition of Manufactures, products of mine and soil, and arts on an international platform. A large section of American population attended the fair. Approximately twenty percent of the population at that time visited t he fair. While in one hand, the fair is memorable for the publication of various Centennial and other poems and music, on the hand, this exposition was designed to showcase America’s innovative progress in the industrial arena. The planning for this exposition had taken as many as ten tears to give it its final shape.The primary sources relating to the American Centennial Exposition including guide to the Centennial, its images, its roadmap, and various articles like â€Å"illustrated History of the Centennial exhibition, held in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of American independence† by McCabe portray the features of the exposition and how the exposition had captured the American history and created a new image of the nation to the world. From the photos, Centennial souvenir, and guide to the exposition, it is found that the focal point of the exposition was to showcase its industrial progress.The main attraction of the fair was its Machinery Hall whi ch was decorated with excellent engineering wonders of that age. It showcased electric lights, strongly powered elevators, printing presses, locomotives, mining equipments, magic lanterns, along with introducing some completely new engineering products to the public like mechanical calculator, typewriters, the telephone which was invented by bell, and the telegraph invented by Edison. All these engineering products show the bright industrialized future of the country. Apart from the Machinery building, there were also a number of other attractions in the exposition.For example, significant number of visitors used to visit the Main Building of the fair which was devoted to manufactures of different nations including America. Apart from this, there were also the Memorial which showcased fine arts and the Horticulture Hall which was actually a conservatory for displaying of various native and exotic plants. One of the most excellent things about this first international fair of America was that it presented everything in a very systematic way in the sense that every item was classified in the exposition by departments, like Manufactures, Horticulture, Agriculture, Mining, Education and science and so on.Not only that, there were also various sub-classifications, and sub-sub-classifications on the basis of a logical scheme. The Centennial Exposition produced significant impact on the image of the United States. Prior to 1876, the US was generally considered as a not-so-developed country which was not yet entitled for joining the category of first-class nations. The people living in America in the post Civil War period had gone through a very difficult phase as all those years were marked by various heinous political scandals along with inferior leadership. Although progress in the field of agriculture, industry, etc.had been taking place remarkably on the land of America, it had never been highlighted to the rest of the world. It was the Centennial Exposition whic h for the first time gave an opportunity for the visitors as well as businessmen from other nations to have a close look and get astonished at the sparkling industrial productivity of the America along with its creativity and progressiveness in the field of industry and agriculture. It was only after this fair, when America was started to be hailed as the land of progress which was also thought of becoming one of the most significant economic superpower in future.The exposition gave the people living in America at that time pride in their present situation and lots of confidence on their even brighter future. (University of Delware library, 2009). The American utilized the platform of the Centennial to highlight their innovations in industrial and agricultural areas as at that time they were on the verge of beginning its global economic presence amidst the then economically powerful nations. Representatives of other countries, who came to the fair to showcase their own thing, also g ot the opportunity to purchase things from American firms.The engineering marvels created by Native Americans impressed the visitors. Americans showcased huge engines and machines having complex system that would become the economic future of America by producing industrial products. Primary sources like the photos and Guide to the Exposition show that American did not participate in the fair only to represent America as a whole; instead in a number of cases they represented various states of America. For example, there was Delaware Building in the fair which represented this various crafts of this state.Delaware put its focus on its potentials for developing with a strong economy. It emphasized towns, its transportation facilities along with educational facilities. (University of Delware library, 2009). As far as the socio-cultural field is concerned, this fair also showcased its culture to the rest of the world by introducing around 53 native tribes. They were brought to the fair and they made their camp within it and became one of the most popular display of the fair. The motive behind showcasing them was to introduce the original inhabitant of the nation and their mode of life.These tribal people were considered to be the most deprived and backward segment of the population. But without their progress, the overall economic progress could not have been achieved. The purpose of putting special focus on them was to send message to the rest of the world that the American government was quite aware of the progress of these native people without exercising any bias towards a particular advanced group of people only. (â€Å"People & Events: The Centennial Exposition of 1876†) Finally, the exposition also represented the contribution of women to the American society for the first time in the history of America.Various primary sources like the articles, such as â€Å"illustrated History of the Centennial exhibition, held in commemoration of the one hundredt h anniversary of American independence† by McCabe, â€Å" Declaration and Protect of the Women of the United states† by National Woman Suffrage Association , etc showed that at the time of planning of the fair a committee for women protested the male dominated nature of the fair and lobbied for creating a women’s building in the fair. This committee also raised fund and gained support for constructing their own building.They also showcased women’s contribution in the areas of arts, science, humanities and so on. The members of National women Suffrage also made an attempt to read a declaration or their rights. But they were not permitted to do so for which they showcased huge protest. Conclusion: The American Centennial Exposition can therefore be characterized as a platform where Americans tried to change their image to the rest of the world. In practice, the Americans were able to properly utilize the big platform of the fair to create their new identity as a progressive economic power which had a bight future.The wonderful narratives of its historical development through exhibiting its progress in industrial, agricultural, and socio-economic sector attracted huge number of visitors across the world and changed their vision regarding the nation. Reference: 1. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE LIBRARY. (2009). PROGRESS MADE VISIBLE: THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876. Available at http://www. lib. udel. edu/ud/spec/exhibits/fairs/cent. htm ( accessed on 26th August, 2010). 2. People & Events: The Centennial Exposition of 1876. Available at http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/amex/grant/peopleevents/e_expo. html ( accessed on 26th August, 2010). :

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Evaluation of the Effects of Poverty in Alexandra Informal Settlements Essay

A vast majority of people in the World’s population live in extreme poverty. Poverty is multi-faceted. It can be linked with hunger, unemployment, exploitation, and lack of access to clean water, sanitation, health-care or schools. It can be about vulnerability to crisis and homelessness. While clearly many of these issues are related to not having enough money, it is simplistic to ignore the non-material aspects of the experience of poverty. The poor are not concerned exclusively with adequate incomes and consumption. Achieving other goals such as security, independence and self-respect may be just as important as having the means to buy basic goods and services. The research is focused on the evaluation of the effects of poverty in Alexandra, in particular, people living in informal settlements. There is evidence from several studies that indicates high levels of poverty in the numerous informal settlements in Alexandra. Various reasons such as lack of skills, unemployment and retrenchment have been pointed out as the cause. In informal settlements of Alexandra, most people live in corrugated iron shacks and where they are often unable to acquire basic needs such as food and clothing. This condition is further exacerbated by environmental factors such as lack of proper toilet facilities, the absence of employment opportunities that result in feelings of helplessness, which in turn leads to drug and alcohol abuse. Thus the family and home in this environment becomes dislocated which in turn affects the wider community and society as a whole. The choice of Alexandra for the study was made due to its history of neglect during the apartheid era which has made it one of the most impoverished towns in South Africa, notwithstanding that it borders the most affluent part of Johannesburg. In order to gain an understanding on the effects of poverty in Alexandra, a literature study and site analysis will be employed as research method. Data will be collected using a literature review and empirical investigation. The research will help the government on how they can assist the people of Alexandra to alleviate poverty.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Mounting Tempest

A Mounting Tempest The 1960’s were a period of enormous social upheaval in America. The civil rights movement came to a head, the country itself was on unstable ground because of the Cold War, and the feminist movement began in earnest with the 1963 publication of Friedman’s book, The Feminine Mystique. The traditional roles that men and women had held throughout Western civilization were being shaken. More and more women were working and becoming successful in previously male-dominated fields. The June 23rd edition of The New York Times contains an article about Susan Greenburg Wood, a photographer who was â€Å"one of the few women who (had) succeeded as a photojournalist† at the time. The article praises Mrs. Wood on her rise to the top of a male-dominated field, but is quick to point out that her job has afforded her the opportunity to meet and marry a man. And, lest the readers be confused at her marital status, the author (a woman, by the bye) hastily reassures them that â€Å"once her identity as the wife of Brendan Wood . . . is established professionally, she will drop her maiden name.† This article is a very interesting examination of the clash between the dual roles many women were trying to maintain in 1962: the modern, driven career woman and the feminine, nurturing, traditional woman. Mrs. Wood is surely proud of her accomplishments, but she doesn’t mention them much. She is quoted more about her reasons for enjoying fashion photog raphy – â€Å"What woman isn’t interested in clothes?† – than she is about her serious work. In fact, she downplays her success – â€Å"I’m not terribly job-interested or career-minded†. The article about Susan Wood seems to be apologizing for the fact that she is a successful woman. There are two additional headlines for this article: â€Å"Susan Wood is One of the Few to Succeed in a Man’s World† and â€Å"Freelance Job Leaves Time for Her to be ‘Around Hou... Free Essays on Mounting Tempest Free Essays on Mounting Tempest A Mounting Tempest The 1960’s were a period of enormous social upheaval in America. The civil rights movement came to a head, the country itself was on unstable ground because of the Cold War, and the feminist movement began in earnest with the 1963 publication of Friedman’s book, The Feminine Mystique. The traditional roles that men and women had held throughout Western civilization were being shaken. More and more women were working and becoming successful in previously male-dominated fields. The June 23rd edition of The New York Times contains an article about Susan Greenburg Wood, a photographer who was â€Å"one of the few women who (had) succeeded as a photojournalist† at the time. The article praises Mrs. Wood on her rise to the top of a male-dominated field, but is quick to point out that her job has afforded her the opportunity to meet and marry a man. And, lest the readers be confused at her marital status, the author (a woman, by the bye) hastily reassures them that â€Å"once her identity as the wife of Brendan Wood . . . is established professionally, she will drop her maiden name.† This article is a very interesting examination of the clash between the dual roles many women were trying to maintain in 1962: the modern, driven career woman and the feminine, nurturing, traditional woman. Mrs. Wood is surely proud of her accomplishments, but she doesn’t mention them much. She is quoted more about her reasons for enjoying fashion photog raphy – â€Å"What woman isn’t interested in clothes?† – than she is about her serious work. In fact, she downplays her success – â€Å"I’m not terribly job-interested or career-minded†. The article about Susan Wood seems to be apologizing for the fact that she is a successful woman. There are two additional headlines for this article: â€Å"Susan Wood is One of the Few to Succeed in a Man’s World† and â€Å"Freelance Job Leaves Time for Her to be ‘Around Hou...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Free Essays on Apocalypse

Final Synthetic Essay Interdisciplinary Thinking or Synthetic The definition of synthetic is â€Å"not natural or genuine artificial or contrived.†(Webster’s Dict.) It is anything that is prepared or made artificially. In this class Dr Holm would give us a topic to discuss and as a group we express our thoughts about the topic. This is what is known as interdisciplinary thinking which means that I can draw my own ideas about the information in this course. Working in groups has really helped me to learn a lot, from working with others. The combination of our ideas into a complex whole helped us to get a better understanding of the material. Our views on the topics that we discuss were a lot easier to grasp after we discussed them. Because of these class discussions I understood the information presented in this class. This was a great help to me in understanding the pre- apocalyptic information in the beginning of the class. Apocalypse as a Jewish and Christian Lit genre 250bce-250ce Apocalyptic means the revealing or unveiling of what is to come. It is a narrative story in which other worldly beings give revelation from God to a human. The revelation involves God’s secrets of time and space. Prophetic eschatology envisions God achieving divine plans within the framework of human history by the means of human agents. Apocalyptic eschatology finds hope mainly in the future. This hope is possibly because God is wishing to bring to an end this evil world. Apocalyptic eschatology might not even be concerned with the destruction of world rather than the retribution after death. This is where the apocalyptic eschatology talks about the righteous being rewarded and the wicked being punished. (Reddish pg20) The first thing that happens in an apocalypse is revelatory literature, this where the author states that he had a divine revelation. The next thing that happens is the human receiver of the revelation is normally presented as a... Free Essays on Apocalypse Free Essays on Apocalypse Final Synthetic Essay Interdisciplinary Thinking or Synthetic The definition of synthetic is â€Å"not natural or genuine artificial or contrived.†(Webster’s Dict.) It is anything that is prepared or made artificially. In this class Dr Holm would give us a topic to discuss and as a group we express our thoughts about the topic. This is what is known as interdisciplinary thinking which means that I can draw my own ideas about the information in this course. Working in groups has really helped me to learn a lot, from working with others. The combination of our ideas into a complex whole helped us to get a better understanding of the material. Our views on the topics that we discuss were a lot easier to grasp after we discussed them. Because of these class discussions I understood the information presented in this class. This was a great help to me in understanding the pre- apocalyptic information in the beginning of the class. Apocalypse as a Jewish and Christian Lit genre 250bce-250ce Apocalyptic means the revealing or unveiling of what is to come. It is a narrative story in which other worldly beings give revelation from God to a human. The revelation involves God’s secrets of time and space. Prophetic eschatology envisions God achieving divine plans within the framework of human history by the means of human agents. Apocalyptic eschatology finds hope mainly in the future. This hope is possibly because God is wishing to bring to an end this evil world. Apocalyptic eschatology might not even be concerned with the destruction of world rather than the retribution after death. This is where the apocalyptic eschatology talks about the righteous being rewarded and the wicked being punished. (Reddish pg20) The first thing that happens in an apocalypse is revelatory literature, this where the author states that he had a divine revelation. The next thing that happens is the human receiver of the revelation is normally presented as a...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Symbolism and Polarization in Death in Venice by Thomas Mann Essay

Symbolism and Polarization in Death in Venice by Thomas Mann - Essay Example It is known as one of the richest novels in terms of symbolism; it is hard to deny this is a masterpiece which will never be written again. The author has also described phases of old age, obsession and solemnity, which profoundly represent the wealth and class of the main character and how he rejects his own self because of his respectable and wealthy status. The main character of Gustav von Aschenbach is a prototype of a fussy, aged German writer who is a highly disciplined, respectable and dignified man. He is a complicated and complex person. He is a wealthy and honourable man in the society and is well known in his profession. He sets out to travel to Venice after his experience in the city’s famed English gardens. He experiences terror and horror when he encounters a ghostly appearing figure. He wishes to go to Venice, which is known as the city of beauty and romance, but surprisingly enough becomes a creepy and sinister place for the protagonist (Mann 35). The depiction of Venice is itself a representation of class and culture in the novel, which also relates to the Mann’s class of being an educational writer visiting countries for his personal satisfaction. The novel represents the class and wealth in many ways. The way the writer has created a great piece of literature with the discussion and explanation of some amazing scenes and expressions in the novel has made it one of the best novels of its time. There are many authors and professionals who have considered this book as a representation of their work. This novel would give many aspects to the reader to think about, starting with its extreme sustainability in the character’s personality to the representation of wealth, class and society. His fame and wealth lead him to live a life respectable and dignified until he falls into the biggest trap of his life. He fights with himself and just because of his respect he lets go on some of his own desires. He knew that as his respect fa lls in people’s eyes, his status and wealth will both go away from him and it will ruin all his life, and with it he could not afford to play. Many other great literature works were published during that time period; some managed to show the essence of age, for example, Heart of Darkness. The story was representing the ages of man and the art in their life, but it did not solely relate to the artistic purpose; in fact it represented the age, the wealth, the fame that came with age, and the life from three different points of view. Notes from Underground is another publication of that time which showed the culture and the revolution. It was a great piece of literature and was subjected to classicism just like the Death in Venice was written representing the classism of the culture and symbolism. It also included the elements of obsession, passion, art and a full retreat of the society (O’ Hehir 11). Though many literature works were published during that time, the maste rpieces were those which represented wealth, class and culture. Thomas Mann and other writers wrote much about the class of great artists and gave their novels a very artistic approach to enable them to relate to the society in which there was fame, money and class. These books were usually written in fiction, and portrayed a great message for the readers to learn and open their minds. The work of Thomas Mann related very closely to his own life. His novel and his main character described what

Friday, November 1, 2019

Personal paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal paper - Essay Example While growing up, I had a deep desire within me to pursue and advance my career in film production. This instigated my desire to advance my studies in high school and college. At some point, I was unable to full attain my goals until now when I discovered this internship. I must admit that this internship has changed my perception as a film producer in the marketplace. In my internship, I have learnt that my career is more of a personal experience than being taught in the classroom. I have gained great insights on entertainment industry specifically about film production. My experience in this internship has adequately prepared me to understand what is required to shoot a film or a commercial. I have been motivated to apply in different placements such as TV Board and MN film. I am privileged to understand the things that take place when shooting a film such as the best location to make the movie, the equipments required, and the funding just to name a few. In life, mentors cannot be underestimated in that they help many people understand their personal and career goals. Craig Rice has been a great mentor in my career in that he has equipped me with skills and abilities that help one to become a competent film producer. With this, I am ready to face the modern world that value films and commercial adverts. When we first met, Craig promised me that he would usher me in my career as a producer. Since I met him, I have discovered more about myself especially in the arena of film production. I have expanded my knowledge in the film production by ensuring that I am challenging myself. This internship has been a tremendous opportunity to integrate practices and theories that I learnt in high school and college. I have studied a lot of practice in my classes, and even applied some to application. However, this internship has changed my role as an observer to being more of an active participant in the field. My experience has challenged my theoretical base in the class room in that I practically utilized what I have been taught in the classroom to the field. My knowledge in film production has increased from one level to the other. As previously mentioned, I have learnt how to make a film or a commercial and the best location that suit the production process. I have developed some principles in my work. In essence, I have obtained these principles from my personal experiences in school, in the workplace, and life. The intern has helped me understand what my weaknesses and strengths are in given situations. Understanding what works for me has expanded my skills in my area of professionalism. I have moved into another phase of learning where the focus differs from learning the work to understanding and learning how to perform the task effectively. This internship has helped me to acquire new skills and abilities, and I am now grateful since I can think about skill development in broad terms. Internship is an opportunity for a student to measure thei r learning in class to the actual work. The knowledge and skills acquired from the class can be applied in the field and will effectively help a student succeed in their work (Frederick and King 8). The greatest importance of attending an internship is to understand the real issues inherent in the field, as opposed to the theoretical learning in the class. It is more of a practical class that is not learnt in a learning institution. Skills are acquired, which help the intern to handle similar situations in their jobs.